This short course is designed for employees and volunteers who work with children, young people, and vulnerable adults, or who handle their data. Participants will gain an understanding of the key principles of safeguarding and develop skills to create and maintain a safe environment for all individuals in their care.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Familiarise themselves with safeguarding policies
- Understand legal obligations concerning child abuse
- Identify signs and symptoms of abuse
- Understand disclosures of abuse
- Identify core principles of safeguarding
- Practise professional boundaries effectively
- Know their legal obligations under the Protection of Minors (Registration) Act (2011) and the Minors Protection Act (2019)
- Recognise different types of abuse and poor practices
- Learn a standard response to disclosures of abuse
- Recognise signs of abuse
- Identify appropriate actions to take when concerned and understand who to approach for support
- Manager: Brandon Cauchi
- Manager: Jonathan Ellul Bonnici
- Manager: Claude Mifsud
- Manager: Corinne Sammut Micallef Grimaud
- Manager: Marisabel Spiteri
- Manager: A Zaf
- Teacher: Ms Carly Zarb
This short course is designed for employees and volunteers who work with children, young people, and vulnerable adults, or who handle their data. Participants will gain an understanding of the key principles of safeguarding and develop skills to create and maintain a safe environment for all individuals in their care.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Familiarise themselves with safeguarding policies
- Understand legal obligations concerning child abuse
- Identify signs and symptoms of abuse
- Understand disclosures of abuse
- Identify core principles of safeguarding
- Practise professional boundaries effectively
- Know their legal obligations under the Protection of Minors (Registration) Act (2011) and the Minors Protection Act (2019)
- Recognise different types of abuse and poor practices
- Learn a standard response to disclosures of abuse
- Recognise signs of abuse
- Identify appropriate actions to take when concerned and understand who to approach for support
- Manager: Brandon Cauchi
- Manager: Jonathan Ellul Bonnici
- Manager: Claude Mifsud
- Manager: Corinne Sammut Micallef Grimaud
- Manager: Marisabel Spiteri
- Manager: A Zaf
- Teacher: Antoine Farrugia SDB
- Manager: Brandon Cauchi
- Manager: Jonathan Ellul Bonnici
- Manager: Claude Mifsud
- Manager: Corinne Sammut Micallef Grimaud
- Manager: Marisabel Spiteri
- Manager: A Zaf
Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy in Schools are considered bridges between faiths and cultures in the contemporary context. Those involved in this mission must be well prepared to effectively share the joy of the Gospel and its values within schools in today’s pluralistic society. This course provides participants with the knowledge and practical skills needed to enhance effective Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy in Schools. It assists participants in developing a range of essential skills for this ministry, including reflective, analytical, critical, and synthetic thinking, as well as leadership, collaboration, interpersonal communication, listening, planning, and implementation.
- Manager: Malcolm Bartolo
- Manager: Nicholas Cassar
- Manager: Brandon Cauchi
- Manager: Deborah Ebejer
- Manager: Jonathan Ellul Bonnici
- Manager: Claude Mifsud
- Manager: Corinne Sammut Micallef Grimaud
- Manager: Marisabel Spiteri
- Manager: Rev. Dr Andre Zaffarese
- Teacher: Rev. Christopher Caruana
- Teacher: Sr Alexandra Chircop
- Teacher: Rev. Reuben Gauci
- Teacher: Fr Marco Portelli
L-għan ta' dan il-kors hu li jakkumpanja lil dawk l-individwi li qed jagħtu sehemom fid-Djakonija tal-parroċċa, sabiex jaqgħdu l-ministeru tagħhom mall-mixja tal-fidi tagħhom. Din is-sena ser nesploraw il-kunċett tal-'periferiji' fis-soċjeta' tal-lum, xi ħaġa li l-Papa Franġisku jitkellem ħafna dwara fit-tagħlim tiegħu. Il-partiċipanti ser jiksbu wkoll ħiliet bażiċi fuq kif wieħed għandu jindirizza l-problemi ta' saħħa mentali li jiltaqgħa magħhom. Dan ser isir anke billi nesploraw x'qed isir diġa sabiex jiġi indirizzati dawn il-problemi f'dan is-settur.
- Manager: Brandon Cauchi
- Manager: Jonathan Ellul Bonnici
- Manager: Claude Mifsud
- Manager: Corinne Sammut Micallef Grimaud
- Manager: Marisabel Spiteri
- Manager: A Zaf
This short course will assist employees and volunteers who work with children and vulnerable adults or handle their data, to recognise the key principles of safeguarding and learn to create a safe environment for children, young people, and vulnerable adults.
The intended learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- familiarise themselves with safeguarding policies
- understand the legal obligations of child abuse
- Identify signs and symptoms of abuse
- know the disclosures of abuse
- Identify the principles of safeguarding
- practice professional boundaries
- know their legal obligations related to the Protection of Minors (Registration) Act (2011) and the Minors Protection Act (2019)
- learn about the different types of abuse and poor practice
- learn a standard response to a disclosure of abuse
- be able to recognise signs of abuse
- Identify the actions to take if you have a concern and who can help
- Manager: Nicholas Cassar
- Manager: Brandon Cauchi
- Manager: Deborah Ebejer
- Manager: Jonathan Ellul Bonnici
- Manager: Claude Mifsud
- Manager: Marisabel Spiteri
- Manager: Rev. Dr Andre Zaffarese
- Teacher: Mark Pellicano
- Teacher: Rev. Mark Scicluna OFM Cap
- Teacher: Ms Carly Zarb
During this course, students will have the opportunity to delve into the Christology of the Fourth Gospel and the different related themes which emerge from the narrative when compared to the Synoptic Gospels. It will present the purpose, date, destination, and historical context in which this gospel was written and how it was used throughout the history of Church’s Dogma.
- Manager: Nicholas Cassar
- Manager: Brandon Cauchi
- Manager: Deborah Ebejer
- Manager: Jonathan Ellul Bonnici
- Manager: Claude Mifsud
- Manager: Marisabel Spiteri
- Manager: Rev. Dr Andre Zaffarese
- Teacher: Rev. Dr Martin Micallef OFMCap
This short course will assist employees and volunteers who work with children and vulnerable adults or handle their data, to recognise the key principles of safeguarding and learn to create a safe environment for children, young people, and vulnerable adults.
The intended learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- familiarise themselves with safeguarding policies
- understand the legal obligations of child abuse
- Identify signs and symptoms of abuse
- know the disclosures of abuse
- Identify the principles of safeguarding
- practice professional boundaries
- know their legal obligations related to the Protection of Minors (Registration) Act (2011) and the Minors Protection Act (2019)
- learn about the different types of abuse and poor practice
- learn a standard response to a disclosure of abuse
- be able to recognise signs of abuse
- Identify the actions to take if you have a concern and who can help
- Manager: Nicholas Cassar
- Manager: Brandon Cauchi
- Manager: Deborah Ebejer
- Manager: Jonathan Ellul Bonnici
- Manager: Pastoral Formation Institute
- Manager: Claude Mifsud
- Manager: Corinne Sammut Micallef Grimaud
- Manager: Marisabel Spiteri
- Manager: Rev. Dr Andre Zaffarese
- Teacher: Ms Carly Zarb
This short course will assist employees and volunteers who work with vulnerable adults or handle their data, to recognise the key principles of safeguarding and learn to create a safe environment for vulnerable adults.
The intended learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- familiarise themselves with safeguarding policies
- identify signs and symptoms of abuse
- know the disclosures of abuse
- identify the principles of safeguarding
- practice professional boundaries
- learn about the different types of abuse and poor practice
- learn a standard response to a disclosure of abuse
- be able to recognise signs of abuse
- identify the actions to take if you have a concern and who can help